Study shows statins may slash risk of developing more than 20 cancers

Statins may slash the risk of developing more than 20 cancers, as well as cutting deaths from heart disease, a study shows.

The risk of major cancers, including breast, prostate and cervical, is halved in patients taking the cholestoral-lowering pills.

Researchers hailed the finding as an important breakthrough in combating the scourge of cancer.

In the study, academics in China used a British database containing up to 15 years of health information on nearly 400,000 patients to arrive at their groundbreaking conclusions.

They say lipid [fatty compound] lowering drugs – mainly statins –may have several anti-cancer effects, including reducing inflammation and preventing malignant cells from growing and multiplying.

The researchers said: “We found that lipid-lowering drugs, particularly statins, were associated with decreased risk of 21 types of cancers.

“It may be a promising strategy to consider repurposing these drugs for cancer prevention.

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