Federal Court judge blast Qantas, TWU as he orders talks over potential $50m-plus ground crew compensation

A Federal Court judge has blasted Qantas and the Transport Workers Union while revealing the airline faces a potential $50 million-plus damages bill after ousting 1700 ground crew under the cover of COVID-19.

Justice Michael Lee said he hoped “some common sense could prevail” as he ordered the union and Qantas to mediate in a bid to calculate the total amount payable to unlawfully sacked baggage handlers and cleaners.

While handing down compensation rulings of between $30,000 and $100,000 in three tests cases on Monday, Justice Lee said it might be a “triumph of hope over expectation” that the court would now move quickly to resolve compensation and any penalties.

“Both sides have engaged in rhetoric about being willing to resolve all issues,” Justice Lee said. “The court encourages parties to settle their litigation, and it is in the interests of the administration of justice that they do so

“Vast legal costs have been expended by both sides, and particularly by Qantas, who have retained no less than five senior counsel during the course of the matter and numerous solicitors at one of Australia’s pre-eminent law firms.”

Justice Lee is grappling with the damages and penalty payable by Qantas more than three years after he first found it had denied the workers their rights under Federal industrial law.

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